How to setup and use MySQL in docker container.

Create MySQL server inside container

docker run --name mysql-test -p 3377:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -d mysql:latest

This runs the latest version of MySQL on port 3377 (host) with root user, and password set to ‘password’.

After that we create a new user inside a container.

docker exec -it mysql-test mysql -u root -p
CREATE USER 'imagdic' IDENTIFIED BY 'imagdic123';
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'imagdic'@'%';

Now we are ready to use our MySQL container with user ‘imagdic’ and password ‘imagdic123’ from our host machine.

Laravel application: if you are getting driver not found, make sure your ‘extension=pdo_mysql’ is uncommented in php.ini (/etc/php/php.ini)

DBeaver: If you are using DBeaver and MySQL 8+ version, you might get following error:

Public Key Retrieval is not allowed

You need to add ‘allowPublicKeyRetrieval’ and set it to ‘true’ inside connection properties. Visit for more information.

How to enable Remote access to your MariaDB/MySQL database

Use this on your own, better method is SSH Tunnel

Edit /etc/mysql/my.cnf like following:

# Add to end of file

Verify MySQL Server:

netstat -ant | grep 3306

You should see the following:

tcp        0      0*               LISTEN

You may also need to allow port in firewall sudo ufw allow 3306